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Month: August 2013

Tau Pan August 2013


The coalition of two cheetah was found to the west of Letiahau on the 12th of this month, resting under the umbrella thorn acacia. They looked as though the dry times were suiting them, and were healthy. A few days later, at Leopard pan, four tiny cheetah cubs were found with their mother feeding on a springbok at Leopard Pan. Four cubs is a lot for a mother to raise, and unfortunately, cheetah cubs have a high mortality rate, so let’s hope that she has some good luck on her side. Young cheetah cubs have markings that resemble the white back stripe of a honey badger – possibly a deterrent to any predator that isn’t paying close attention…

Big herds of around 200 springbok were seen along West road.

Four honey badgers were seen foraging in the Tau Pan area one morning, digging for rodents or scorpions. The pale chanting goshawks were also in attendance – these birds are known for following honey badgers, in the hope that they disturb something that the goshawk can grab for itself.

Lions were seen most days from the middle of the month, often at the waterhole. The Tau Pan Pride with the two adult lionesses were seen mating with the males that now dominate the area. The sub adults (eight) are still with the females, and the young males have yet to break away.

And yes, apparently a brown hyena den has been discovered along West Road Three hyena cubs were seen playing outside the den with some sticks. This is a first for the area, and I wouldn’t actually believe it was there not photographic proof to go with it…

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Nxai Pan August 2013


Waking up the morning of the 3rd of August, the ground was covered with some very strange speckles on the ground, as though millions of tiny antlions had suddenly dug in. A closer inspection revealed something even more surprising: during the night, it had rained! This may be pretty normal in most parts of the world, but in northern Botswana in August, it happens as frequently as a total solar eclipse. The skies are normally perfectly empty of clouds for roughly six months, but the previous day had light grey clouds almost totally covering the sky. The drops were too well spread out to do more than evaporate on impact, so its still a long few months till the rains are expected again. They mysterious clouds disappeared that afternoon, replaced by the normal blue sky.

On the 5th of August, a leopard was spotted running from east to west along the West Road – very shy and skittish. We soon also came upon two lions at the main waterhole, who we thought would be disadvantaged by the lack of cover at the waterhole, and were unable to sneak up on unsuspecting prey. For some strange reason, the many springbok, impala, and wildebeest that were also there did not seem to notice the stalking lions, and it was only when an alert kudu made an alarm call, that everyone noticed the approaching lions.

Looking for the lions the next day, we were barely out of camp when four of them found us. The large male lion, in his prime, was trying to drive the sub adult male lion away from the female, and they ran off in the direction of the camp, but disappeared into the bush north east of the camp. Just after watching them, we came across fresh tracks of a leopard, and as the tracker and guide were examining the track, an eagle-eyed guest saw the leopard a little further along the road.

The very next day, the action was all at the camp waterhole, with early morning breakfast disrupted by the lions… the female was drinking at the waterhole, but the older male and the sub-adult were fighting in clouds of dust, as the older male tried again to deter the young male from the females presence. A spectacular sighting!

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Lagoon August 2013


A secret convention of leopards seems to have occurred at some time in the last few months in the Lagoon area. Possibly sponsored by the Botswana Department of Tourism, with the main topic of discussion obviously being ‘changing our spots: how we can contribute to the growth of the country’. This is the only explanation we can think of for the rapid increase in sightings of leopards in the area. We always knew they were there, as the tracks were seen often, but what has changed significantly is the number of relaxed individuals that are being seen, rather than fleeting glances of shy animals. Whether we have just been inordinately lucky, or it’s a seasonal thing, the guests have been reaping the benefits, with leopards being seen almost every day – and often two in one day.  Certainly, short and dry grass helps for visibility, but looking back in the previous years records at the same time of year, sightings are definitely occurring more regularly

Perhaps we have the dogs to thank for that? This is the first time in ten years that the wild dogs have not denned by August, and are still moving throughout the area. Perhaps this means that we are spending more time traversing different routes tracking the dogs and other animals, rather than simply going to the den and watching the dogs for an hour or so? It’s a distinct possibility, and although it is lovely to see puppies at a den, nature is certainly showing us some exceptional sightings at the moment.

And exceptional they have been: one group of guests only spent one night in Lagoon, as their agent had said even if they don’t have much time to spare, it’s worth the experience. Heading out on game drive that afternoon, they soon came across a relaxed female leopard, who they spent some time watching – another vehicle spent two hours with the same leopard – before heading on to see what else they could find. A little while later, they came across not one, but four leopards: a mother with two sub-adult cubs, and a male that was probably interested in the female leopard! This is definitely a record for the area: five leopards in one game drive!

Predators were continually making guest appearances at other predator sightings: two young cheetahs were found feeding on a baby kudu they had just killed. Whilst the guide and guests were enjoying this sighting, a leopard was seen less than 50m away, it had also seen the cheetah, and approached. Two light-weight cheetahs against one female leopard is a fight that is hard to pick the winner out of, and the animals themselves seemed to know this. In scenes reminiscent of a Tom and Jerry cartoon, the leopard chased one of the cheetahs, whilst the second cheetah chased the leopard! After some to-ing and fro-ing, with neither team wanting to be ‘tagged’, the cheetahs gave up their kill to the leopard. Another day, the pack of wild dogs happened upon a male lion whilst hunting, but the male was more interested in finding his mate than a dog chase. And a hyena came across a leopardess that had got a little greedy: she had killed an impala and hoisted it in a tree, then managed to kill a second impala which she left on the ground. The hyena took the opportunity and grabbed the second impala, whilst the leopard retreated to the tree.

Although the three cheetah brothers spent a week in Lagoon last month, this month they only turned up on the last day of the month. But two sub-adult males are making up for it with good sightings, including the one just mentioned.

The bigger cats – lions – have also been frequently seen – even from camp during early morning coffee as three of them strolled past the camp. A honeymoon couple spent a few days in the area, whilst the pride of six waited nearby for the female to rejoin the group. For some reason, these lions are particular interested in the tyres on the vehicles. No one can figure out why, but the young males are often trying to get close to the tyres to sniff them. Sometimes, they just stare intently up at the spare tyre on the back of the vehicle. This is, needless to say, quite off-putting for any guests sitting the back row at the time…

The dogs have been covering huge distances this month, roaming the concession and sniffing out their territories. One day they will be running through the camp, and the next they will be hanging out close to Lebala camp. This is keeping everyone on their toes, and the trackers have their work cut out for them. Even so, the dogs are still being seen often, as testified to by the comment made in our visitors book: “14th annual wild dog safari successful!” By the end of August, the Alpha female looks pregnant, but sadly, she does not look in very good condition. Even if she dens next month, she may not be strong enough to raise a litter of pups this year. This would be her ninth or tenth litter, which is quite remarkable for a wild dog.

The temperatures in August suddenly took a leap from one week to the next, and the warm days encouraged the elephants to drink at the lagoon in front of camp, and swim across to the far bank. Large buffalo herds were seen often near the edge of the watering holes, kicking up dust as they moved in, and adding to the haze in the sky – the cool blue skies of winter giving over to the dusty white before the rains arrive.

Unusual sightings this month (leopards aside) include several sightings of civet, roan, eland, bat eared fox and honey badger – in fact, four honey badgers were seen on one evening drive, and then two more the next morning. A very rare number!

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Kwara August 2013

JTVink_mammals_wilddogwithpups  KWARA

Morning drives were reaching ridiculous proportions this month, with some guest’s ticking off hyena, lion, wild dog packs x 2, wild dog puppies and all the general game before a good brunch at 11am. Add a sprinkling of cheetahs and the odd leopard, and people were starting to wonder if they hadn’t just arrived at some kind of zoo.

It was all 100% natural though, and was the result of hard work paying off from the trackers and guides, who spent the time following the animals’ footprints and finding even the most elusive of animals.

There were a few surprises thrown in this month – the resident pack of dogs is still going strong with all 10 puppies alive and well, but on the 8th of August, another group of dogs was spotted. The pack size was a total of 7 adults, and we could not recognize the pack members as any we had seen before, so where they had come from no one knows. Around the middle of the month, the puppies were big enough to leave the den, and follow the adults, but sightings have still been good with them being seen fairly regularly.

Lions were seen almost every day, mostly doing what lions do best – resting – but we were also lucky enough to see the four intruding males take on two resident males, in a tussle over territory.

A sudden change in the temperature to a high of 32 degrees C – early in the season – brought with it an early fire to the east of Kwara. Because of the little rain that occurred in the previous rainy season, most grass is very dry already, but it is also quite short, making it a little easier to fight the fires. Still, it is early for bushfires, and rumours abound that the rainy season will make its entrance a little earlier this year, perhaps to make up for the dry times last season.

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Lebala August 2013


Whatever happened to the leopards in Lagoon, it appears the ones in Lebala also attended the same conference. Leopard sightings proved excellent this month, with all of the sightings being relaxed, and some very unusual sightings also occurred.

One female that was seen several times with her cub, was also seen with her older cub – now approximately 18 months old. The mother had killed an impala, and hung that in a tree and the older cub was also seen in attendance. Sadly, a day or two later, returning to the same area, the mother and young cub had relocated, but surprisingly, the older cub was found dead on the ground, being covered by a hyena. No one is sure how the leopard died – perhaps baboons killed it, or even another male leopard that also passed through the area. However, the strangest thing was to see the hyena lying on the leopard, as if cuddling it. A dead impala was nearby at the base of a tree, but the hyena paid no attention to it.

Earlier in the month, guests also witnessed an unusual event whereby a leopard had the tables turned on it by a troop of baboons. When the baboons saw the leopard, they went into attack mode, and scuttled along the ground chasing the leopard. Since a baboon’s canines are similar in length to that of a lion, it was not a tough decision for the leopard to turn tail and run when severely out-numbered.

The northern pack of wild dogs have been seen several times in the area – sometimes in front of the camp hunting, and also making successful kills. With the dogs not having denned so far this year, they are covering huge territories, and moving between the two key game drive areas of the Kwando concession every few days.

At one point, towards the end of the month, five dogs split off from the Lagoon pack, for a few days. They were seen resting after having killed an impala, with a hyena, jackal, and two eagles all waiting at a slight distance to see if they could scavenge any remains.

Needless to say, with the slightly warmer weather, the elephants are out in full force, tramping through the camp every day, and moving in and out of the marshy area in front of the camp. There are lots of breeding herds, always watchful of who is around, and never stopping in one place for too long. Then there is the case of the elephant that is afraid of water. This is a tricky situation to be in if you are an elephant growing up in the northern part of Botswana, which has much of the land given over to marsh, floodplains and river channels. Every afternoon for several days running, the little elephant’s mother came down to the edge of the camp, and crossed the narrow channel that runs in front of the rooms, to graze on the other side. Each time, her baby stopped at the edge, and no amount of coaxing would get him to cross. Eventually, she moved across by herself 100m or so away from him. Torn between losing sight of mum, and the strange wet stuff he was being asked to wade through, he teetered too and fro on the edge, waiting for her to come back. A couple of times he plunged in, only to hotfoot it back to the bank, trunk and ears waving in contempt. One afternoon, his mother wandered out of sight on the other bank, and he let out a distress call. Within seconds, aunts, cousins and grandma were running across the floodplain, surrounding the little one with deep reassuring rumbles, concerned for his safety. His mother, remained unmoved, and continued grazing. It seems the grandmother had a few things to say about the parenting skills of the mother. One hopes that the warmer the weather gets, the more inviting the water will seem, and then hopefully the little elephant will be able to follow mum wherever she wanders.

The young male cheetahs have also been providing the camp with some good sightings, and two shy male lions have been seen several times. The fact that they are shy, indicates that they have come from deep in the wilderness, where it is not common to see cars. Hopefully, over time, they will get used to the cars, and relax when they are spotted on drive.

There was a lovely sighting one early evening of a honey badger digging for mice, with a baby honey badger keeping watch along side, and an even rarer sighting of an aardvark!

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