The 1st of June, and romance is in the air: two steenboks, on the northern side of the camp, spent the day courting. The male was using his front leg to delicately tap the hindquarters of the female. She seemed a little unimpressed however, so he obviously has to work on his charm a little more.
The two male lions were seen fat and fit, resting at the camp waterhole for several days in June. If they wish to maintain their territory – and the only permanent sources of water in an area tens of square kilometres, then they will need to be careful they do not leave it undefended for too long. Many nights they were heard roaring and calling – with females responding in the distance. Later on in the month they were seen with a female companion – not one of the two adult females from the original Tau Pan pride of eight. Perhaps this female will stay with the male lions, and use their strength for protection of herself, and the valuable resource of the waterhole.
Lovely herds of kudu (34 in total) and a journey of 15 giraffe parade each day around the Tau Pan area, coming down to drink at the water hole very carefully, with a keen eye out for the two lions they know frequent the area.
Naturally, now that everything is so dry, there’s a better chance of seeing one of those mythical creatures – brown hyena. Slim, but still a chance. One was seen moving along the fire break not far from camp.
Deception Valley is now a harsh environment compared to the beautiful green plain with plenty of food for the herbivores that it becomes in the rainy season. But life goes on in this environment for many animals, and we were lucky enough to have a great viewing of a leopard attempting to hunt on one of our day drives to this area.
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